A Mostly Traditional August 2023

A Mostly Traditional August 2023

Our connectivity issues continued throughout the month making communicating difficult. Luckily, it looks like our connection issues are finally fixed (fingers crossed). A huge thank you our local technician who worked tirelessly to solve the problem for us. We are...
The Coastline in July 2022

The Coastline in July 2022

Greetings, Oshan Whale Watch would like to thank all of our customers for touring with us so far this summer. July has been a chaotic month weather-wise, which in-turn has lead to some poor sightings for whale watching. In an ever-changing world, we hope this is a...

2020 Whale Watching Season Finale

Our 2020 season is over, it is December and the Oshan is resting at home in Bay St.Lawrence. The season certainly started off late and with lots of uncertainty because of the pandemic. Luckily, at the start of August we had fabulous weather and fabulous passengers:...