Frequent sightings of:
Bald Eagles
Northern Gannets
Black Guillemots
Herring Gulls
Greater Black Back Gull
Occasional sightings of:
Greater Shearwater
Wilson’s Storm Petrels
Because our whale watching region is focused between Cape St. Lawrence and Cape North, we often see pelagic and accidental seabirds, as well as bald eagles.
The nature of ocean currents surrounding both of these Capes, and the great depth of the water next to shore, means that though we whale tour close to land, we are equally as close to the open ocean waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Cabot Strait. In addition, St. Paul Island, 13 nm north of Bay St. Lawrence, is a pelagic bird haven. The close proximity of this island results in some pelagic birds being sighted close to land.
Oshan Whale Watch
3347 Bay St. Lawrence Road, Bay St. Lawrence, Cabot Trail North, Victoria County, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. B0C 1R0
© 1998-2022 Oshan Whale Watch. All Rights Reserved.