Oshan Whale Watch Video Gallery
Scratchy the Humpback Whale (left) approaches the Oshan while whale watching in front of Bay St. Lawrence, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.
You can clearly see Scratchy and make out details while Captain Fraser talks with the passengers.
The passengers aboard Oshan Whale Watch whistle to get Scratchy the Humpback Whale's attention (right).
The whistling works as you can see the face of Scratchy while he spies the Oshan.
Captain Fraser gets close to Scratchy the Humpback Whale (right) as Scratchy logs (rests on top of the water) by the gunnel (gunwale or top of the side of the boat) of the Oshan.
Scratchy's pectoral fins, head and blow hole are visible. As the Captain and passengers speak to Scratchy, he answers back with a small puff of air (audible) from his blow hole.
A whistle draws the attention of the humpback whale Itchy (left); Scratchy, not wanting to be outdone, quickly surfaces close to the Oshan.
While Itchy surfaces you can see the water spouting from his blow hole just before it dissipates.
Scratchy the Humpback Whale (left) swims directly underneath the Oshan.
Scratchy's blow hole, dorsal fin and pectoral fins are clearly visible. Before he dives, scratchy spouts water from his blow hole before and then circles back to say hi with a second water spout.
The Cape Breton Highlands of Northern Nova Scotia (right), is beautifully filmed aboard the Oshan while whale watching.This video shows the region ranging from Bay St. Lawrence to Black Point.
The pointed mountain in the middle of the vista is known as Sugar Loaf, which serves as a navigational marker for local fishermen and Cabot's Landing: explorer John Cabot's 1497 landing site.
A minke whale travels alongside the Oshan during a whale watching tour.
The village of Bay St. Lawrence, nestled amongst the Cape Breton Highlands of Northern Nova Scotia, is quickly seen in the background as the minke surfaces and water spouts twice.
Our thanks to Kelly Campbell for the videos and for choosing to turn North at Cape North and go off the Cabot Trail to remote Bay St. Lawrence in order to watch whales with Captain Fraser of Oshan Whale Watch.
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