Oshan Whale Watch's Three Favourite Toothed Whales/Dolphins
Harbour Porpoises: One of The Smallest Marine Mammals up to 1.9 m/6 ft.

Atlantic White Sided Dolphins: Found Only in the North Atlantic.

Pilot Whales: Sociable, Cute and Playful.

Toothed Whales/Dolphins are much smaller than the baleen variety. The pilot whales and atlantic white sided dolphins travel in pods ranging from half a dozen to one hundred. The boat shy harbour porpoises travel in much smaller pods, and sometimes appear alone as a quick, black flash. Regardless, toothed whales/dolphins feed primary on fish and since there is plenty of fish in the waters surrounding Bay St. Lawrence, we see plenty of toothed whales/dolphins during our tours. The pilot whale, atlantic white sided dolphin, and harbour porpoise are the dolphins/toothed whales which are commonly found in our region. However, we also have sightings of the common dolphin, but not on a regular basis.